Plug in the final game program in long-term operation will play a role what kind

Need special attention is, at present the game Warden not running on the server or other types of hacking test procedure, so hacking program in the final game in long-term operation will play a role what, on sale, can it in normal server to the whole game system effective and have much impact, is still unknown. But at least now clear is that the official will ban on the use of robots brush or other types of gold illegal game the way.

In fact, the existence of these hackers have put forward a very heavy problem-hacking will of the game in the community and the impact of the economic system. In a game of virtual props and reality of money tied directly, a strategic framework that can break normal Farm third party software will destroy the appearance of the whole economic system stability, and this will also direct reduce from the auction house blizzard cash grab profits. For stability in the game of the economic system objective, blizzard will seal off those who use a third party software in the game players and banned illegal profits they buy again game program. For it is the blizzard of a win-win situation, namely banned those fandango players into the game, but also can improve the cash of the earnings of the auction house.

From the current situation of the opinion, hackers announcement that no doubt the diablo 3 “of the plugin is inevitable. It also means that blizzard needs to find effective strategies. For many people, Soon may not be very fast, but blizzard face quite severe form.

As for the robot, it is the third party programs really IMBA place place, remove to quit the game of waiting time nothing but is reduce experts mode role the risk of death, and remove the manufacturing process time benefit is small, shows the map all the monsters at best, but also is “auxiliary” function, the true enemy is a robot.

Once to be able to use the robot script game, so no matter how blizzard adjustment Farm mode, can’t stop server those forever the role of online brush the car of a car equipped and then a orange in a month or two thoroughly washed out cash’s economic system, this is absolutely can’t accept that blizzard conditions. Maybe blizzard can not prevent any of the above a function, even into the future they version of the list of optimization, but the robot must not have, have robots, then the diablo 3 “will be destroyed. 

By coolyou