Mount Hyjal thrummed with the sounds of celebration

After a series of delays, the Dragon Aspects Alexstrasza, Ysera, Nozdormu, and Kalecgos had combined their magics with those of the shaman of the Earthen Ring and the druids of theCenarion Circleto mend the ancient World Tree Nordrassil. More recently, word had arrived that Ragnaros, the elemental lord of fire, whose minions had sought to burn Nordrassil to ashes, had fallen at mortal hands. Yet from where Ysera the Awakened stood in the Cenarion refuge at the base of the World Tree, the jubilation was a distant whisper. The Aspect of the green dragonflight heard only a tale of tragedy.

She was meeting with her fellow Aspects to discuss their next course of action against Deathwing, the maddened leader of the black dragonflight, who was responsible for shattering the world during the Cataclysm. Although Azeroth’s defenders had recently triumphed in Hyjal and other regions, the tortured Aspect was even now scheming for ways to usher in the Hour of Twilight. So long as he drew breath, he would not stop until he had fulfilled his dark plans. Instead of debating strategies, however, Nozdormu had recounted the death of Zirion and the infinite dragonflight’s newest assault on the timeways. Wrinkles stretched across the Timeless One’s otherwise smooth high elven face. He had, like his brethren, assumed his mortal form, a deed the Aspects performed whenever they were near the short-lived races that dwelled around Nordrassil.

“He wasss killed by my magic… by me,” Nozdormu muttered. Ysera looked on, uneasy. Despite the Timeless One’s horrific predicament, she couldn’t help but notice how everything around her appeared distant. She floated between the waking world and the realm of dreams, anchored to neither. “I must return to the meeting place.” The bronze Aspect anxiously wrung his hands and fidgeted in impatience. “My other agents may yet arrive, but I do not know with certainty. I can only hope.” As Nozdormu turned to leave, Ysera frantically searched for words of comfort to offer him. He had clearly resigned himself to his fate. 

By coolyou