The Titans’ last command to the Aspects

The Life-Binder sensed that something about the apocalypse beyond the state of the timeways troubled the bronze Aspect. Yet she was already asking so much of Nozdormu; if he did not wish to voice his concerns, that were his choice. Alexstrasza lowered her head to Nozdormu and spoke softly. “Unto each of you is given a gift…” The Timeless One completed the ancient words without hesitation. They were the titans’ last command to the Aspects, a reminder while each of them was unique, their powers and knowledge were never meant to be separate. They were one. “Time is your charge just as life is mine, but what is our duty?” Alexstrasza said.

“To preserve this world at all costs. To prevent the Hour of Twilight,” Nozdormu whispered. The Timeless One was quiet after that. The Life-Binder followed his gaze into the sky, sorrow tugging at her heart. “Have any of your other agents returned?” “No. None will. Yet I wait. I was once lost in time until Thrall aided me. Now I am lossst outside of it.” To Alexstrasza’s surprise, the bronze Aspect chuckled in pained amusement. The Timeless One finally turned away from the horizon and looked to Alexstrasza. “For too long I have been rigid in my waysss. What you say is true. The time for waiting is past…”

“I am honored that you seek my aid,” Thrall said. “I have but one request. The short-lived races vanquished Ragnaros, and before him the Lich King and countless other threats. Time and time again, we have been instrumental in safeguarding Azeroth. We are invested in it as much as you are. With all due respect, I believe that this plan, as noble as it is, can succeed only with their assistance.” There was no doubt that what Thrall said was right. Alexstrasza had hoped to avoid dragging more mortals into this perilous endeavor. “If they are willing, they are welcome.” “There are always those who are willing.” The orc smiled. “I will send out the call.” After Thrall departed, the Aspects lingered in silence. 

By coolyou