I’ve played a lot of TERA over the course of the beta weekends, but rarely have I been able to get into full groups, and I’ve never seen a dungeon to date.If you are still finding a legit tera Gold Seller which can offer you Cheap tera  Gold. You really need to check our website. Buy tera Gold from here can save your money a bigtime, as well as give you a chance to win  extra Free tera  Gold

I can’t wait for the OBT (Open Beta Test) to really begin my characters, especially after a taste of what dungoneering as a Lancer is like during PAX East. At the booth for TERA, we were brought into a secluded room with five individual PCs set up for one of five classes. I chose the Lancer, Mike chose the Slayer, a couple of other folks took the Sorcerer and Warrior, and an En Masse employee (Sam Kim, Producer) handled the healing. Thank God, too, because it turns out BAMs in high level dungeons aren’t exactly pushovers.Mists of Pandaria may not have the innovative muscle but it does have some amazing content. Mists of Pandaria may not have the innovative muscle but it does have some amazing content. It also adds in some game systems like Pet Battles that create a whole new aspect of World of Warcraft. The longevity of this expansion gets a solid score of eight for that very reason. Simply put, there is a lot to do in this expansion and the fact that Blizzard is promising to speed up its content release schedule is exciting for fans of the game.


From exploring the new zones to hitting the instances and raids, Mists gives players a reason to repeat their journeys now more than ever before. The timed instances makes for great fun and the larger raids are challenging enough to keep guilds busy for some time.  Add in the scenarios, the factions, farming, and other little games WoW’s included in Mists and you have a lot more choice of what to do than you’re used to in Azeroth.

Innova has announced that the EU version of Lineage II will be updating soon with the “Tauti” update. The update will bring a host of new features into the game including a new PvP continent, new clan features and an overhauled weapons attribute system.
“With Tauti, Goddess Of Destruction – already the biggest update in the history of Lineage II – gets even bigger and better, and we can’t wait for our players to experience it,” said Marat Steblev, PR Director at Innova. “We will reveal further details in the coming months, but we can already say that with Tauti, leveling up in Lineage II has never been so easy, especially for new players.”
Around Azeroth Cowcoon FRIDAY 

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