Minutes before the open ceremonies are scheduled to begin, an official press release which is part of the press kit for BlizzCon 2008 reveals that the third playable class in Diablo III is the Wizard. The press release focuses on the fact that Diablo III is going to be playable for the first time ever, and GameSpy editors are waiting for the machines to come online in the press room before spending a large chunk of time with the BlizzCon demo build of the game. Here’s the official word on the Wizard:
During the show, Blizzard Entertainment also unveiled the game’s third playable class: the wizard. A wielder of the elements and a master manipulator of time, the wizard can hurl environment-shattering lightning bolts, channel explosive arcane energies, and create pockets of space outside the normal temporal flow. BlizzCon attendees were able to adventure as either the wizard or the previously unveiled barbarian or witch doctor, battling alone or with up to three other players through the catacombs beneath Tristram Cathedral to a final showdown with the Skeleton King.