Plot Rhythm of Diablo 3 Will Be Fast as Its Predecessor

“Diablo 3” official answered players’ a lot of questions a few days ago, they said “Diablo 3” and “Diablo 2” had plot similar process speed, the scene would not be shorter and shorter until the acceleration reached the end of the game.
Players: Why are there only three tasks in the last scene of Diablo 3 Gold, No any more time? If it will be the same with “Diablo 3” in, (Here referred to Diablo 2 is the regular version which does not contain a piece of information the fifth scene.)
Bashiok: regardless of “Diablo 2” is interested or not in this design, we really like to have access to the game process, the scene will be shorter and shorter, than the scene with the course of the game, the end of the game, and then accelerated to reach this design feel. I can not exactly compare game time length in Diablo 3 and Diablo 2, but our goal is to provide the same time of the game, I think the length of the “Diablo 3” a lot longer than the target. In any case, we want the players to get the end of the game quicker, so the final scene will be the shortest one. 

By coolyou