Diablo 3 U.S server Cash Auction House online Details

Cash auction houses in Diablo 3 is actually the Blizzard a pilot, if successful, the next wow piece of information, and the Titans will be able to justifiably with Blizzard artifact. So Blizzard, cash auction house is actually the highlight of the entire Blizzard. Cash on-line auction house will be so full of ups and downs. When cash auction house formally launched after the gold auction house market is getting smaller and smaller. Because the threshold of the cash auction house actually is not high for the players.

Here we must say the problem of the account: First Blizzard only be allowed in order to guarantee the interests of the local, North American account to use the cash auction house, which led to a lot of sub-service account is unable to participate in the United States serving game (but more swing this problem, because the future of Asian clothing should also have their own RMAH). Second Blizzard mention now taken control, the need to bind the local mobile phone in North America.

Here we must mention a very important point, if the player does not take cash now, but will sell equipment resulting converted into Blizzard’s Diablo 3 Gold, do not need the phone in North America, this seemingly unimportant, is actually very important. In fact, this objective is to give all of North America account a library of dollars of gold coins. Many players just want to experience the game better by the auction house, they do not expect to be able to withdraw cash or how much revenue from the game. In contrast, the cash transferred to the Blizzard store into Diablo 3 Gold, you can use the money in the Blizzard Mall consumer and in RMAH consumption, here there has been an emerging market.

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