They say all good things come in threes; with that in mind, we’re excited to announce three new pieces of Diablo III merchandise that are sure to be on every Diablo player’s wish list.

You’re called to action once again, to use your wits and strength, to compete for the ultimate prize. Your weapons? They seem to be but a musty tome and quill, but know that their power is far stronger than the armies of the Scourge, far craftier than the zerg Swarm, and far mightier than any demon from the Burning Hells. Ready your tools, scribe, and prepare for combat with the inky beast called fiction! 

 The second batch of tickets for BlizzCon 2010 has now been sold out. If you weren’t able to get tickets this year, keep in mind that coverage of the gaming festival will also be offered by DIRECTV as a Pay Per View event, available both via satellite and multi-channel Internet stream. Keep an eye on the for updates on panels, exhibits, events, DIRECTV and Internet stream info, and more. We look forward to meeting some of you at the show!
Enter a short story for the chance to win a free trip to Blizzard’s headquarters in southern California! This contest is open to entrants from around the world and will be judged by Blizzard’s very own writers and masters of lore. For more information, head to the 

By coolyou