Go go go! On May 19th, at the Blizzard Worldwide Invitational event in Seoul, Korea, we announced in front of a stadium of thousands that StarCraft II is under development, and revealed a first-ever look at the new real-time strategy title. The original StarCraft is known for its epic galactic battles between three distinct, formidable races – the Protoss, Terran, and Zerg – as well as its gripping single-player storyline told with the aid of Blizzard’s signature cinematic sequences. StarCraft II follows in that tradition, as demonstrated at the Worldwide invitational with a live gameplay presentation and an exciting new cinematic teaser for the upcoming game.

We’re eager to share the new face of StarCraft with you (it’s now running in a custom 3D engine that includes realistic physics and allows for massive armies and massive units on-screen simultaneously). Check out to view the gameplay trailer revealed at the Worldwide Invitational, the StarCraft II cinematic teaser, and much more!

The Insider recently sat down with the Blizzard cinematic team for a behind-the-scenes look at the StarCraft II cinematic teaser recently released at the Worldwide Invitational, as well as to discuss the challenges involved with continuing the single-player storyline from the original game�

One of the things that really made StarCraft stand out when it was first released was the epic scale of events unfolding over the course of the original game and the Brood Warâ„¢ expansion, told in large part through the game’s cut-scenes and beautifully crafted cinematics. Of all the possible scenarios for a cinematic teaser, why did you decide to focus on the genesis of a marine? 

By coolyou