Guild Wars 2 employs a two- tiered reward system

Some PvPers will be content with doing just that – fighting other players scenario after scenario ad infinitum, while others will be in it for the rewards.  Guild Wars 2 employs a two- tiered reward system that most players will recognize: as you participate in sPvP scenarios, you gain “glory” – basically PvP XP – which is then represented by your “rank” – which you can think of as PvP levels.  You can then spend glory to purchase rewards, which are unlocked based on your rank.  These rewards include chests that contain random loot, like weapons, dyes, bags,glory buffs, tournament tickets, and other goodies, as well as tokens that you can use at the Mystic Forge to craft items.  It’s difficult to ascertain exactly how these rewards stack up to other high-level items earned from Guild Wars 2’s dungeons and crafting, but at the very least,they seem to be stable for the moment, unlike the game’s PvE rewards.

Of course, your sPvP rewards will be a bit more enticing if you choose to participate in Guild Wars 2’s organized tournaments, which were introduced post-launch.  Instead of just hotjoining scenarios to play along with a bunch of randos, you can put a team together and participate in 5v5 free and paid tournaments for heftier loot and bragging rights.  You can jump into 3-round, single-elimination, 8-team tournaments at any time, or, eventually, build up your reputation to qualify for monthly and yearly competitions.  Winning a free competition will net you glory, rank points, a tournament chest, and a tournament ticket – the last of which is required toenter paid tournaments (you can also purchase tickets from the in-game Black Lion Trading Company in packs of 5 and 30 for 75 and 360 gems, respectively).  Achieving first place in apaid tournament will reward you with glory, rank points, gems, qualifying points, and a tournament chest, although you’re sure to get at least one chest for participating, regardless of your team’s place in the competition.


By coolyou