The Lich King began preparing for his true mission

Then there are the balance issues. Balancing player classes and gear against AI abilities is one thing, but balancing player abilities against each other is a whole different kettle of fish. For instance: AI-Boss001 won’t care if the players keep him perma-stunned for 30 seconds straight (and it’s not too hard to code a ‘cheat’ for said boss to get around that), but you can’t take a player’s control of their character away for more than a few seconds or they will eventually quit in disgust. This is perfectly natural. We play to play, not to stand around drooling while some other player does unto us. Stuns (or any other ability that takes away player control) are one of the most hotly-debated issues in PvP that I’ve seen, and for good reason.
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While Thrall was liberating his brethren in Lordaeron, Ner’zhul continued to build up his power base in Northrend. A great citadel was erected above the Icecrown Glacier and manned by the growing legions of the dead. Yet as the Lich King extended his influence over the land, one shadowy empire stood against his power. The ancient subterraneankingdomofAzjol-Nerub, which had been founded by a race of sinister humanoid spiders, sent their elite warrior-guard to attack Icecrown and end the Lich King’s mad bid for dominance. Much to his frustration, Ner’zhul found that the evil nerubians were immune not only to the plague, but to his telepathic domination as well.

The nerubian spider-lords commanded vast forces and had an underground network that stretched nearly half the breadth of Northrend. Their hit-and-run tactics on the Lich King’s strongholds stymied his efforts to root them out time after time. Ultimately Ner’zhul’s war against the nerubians was won by attrition. With the aid of the sinister dreadlords and innumerable undead warriors, the Lich King invaded Azjol-Nerub and brought its subterranean temples crashing down upon the spider lords’ heads. Though the nerubians were immune to his plague, Ner’zhul’s growing necromantic powers allowed him to raise the spider-warriors’ corpses and bend them to his will. As a testament to their tenacity and fearlessness, Ner’zhul adopted the nerubians’ distinctive architectural style for his own fortresses and structures. 

By coolyou