The exact details of what happened in the future is rare

This was the height of the Mage Clan Wars, and even the mighty Vizjerei mage clan was showing signs of stress brought about by the prolonged struggle. A faction of the Vizjerei resolved to construct an army using demon-possessed victims, and the peaceful umbaru clans seemed to fit the Vizjerei’s needs. It is unknown how the clans first came into contact with the Vizjerei, but within the span of a decade or so, some of the future khazra clans had turned from their peaceful existence to all-out warfare with the Vizjerei.

 This was surely the result of seeing their brothers being painfully transformed into savage goat-like creatures by the Vizjerei

Though they were primitive by the standards of the Vizjerei, the umbaru clans held the powerful mages at bay through familiarity with the terrain and sheer ferocity. But this state of affairs could not hold forever. As decades of savage warfare took their toll on the umbaru’s culture and minds, the clans began to search for any means to prevail over their enemies. In fact, they lost sight of anything else

Exact details on what transpired next are scarce, but I have ascertained that at some point during the next two hundred years they decided to use the Vizjerei’s strength against them

When I didn’t, he continued, “That’s right, undead. I’ve faced the undead several times, but you never get used to it. You think you’re prepared, but there’s just something that sticks in your gut, this horrible feeling. Your hands get slick with sweat, and your sword is hard to grasp correctly…you really doubt your sanity in being down there, facing something like that. And the stench is unimaginable. But we were pulling ourselves through – I had started to come out the other side, where you start to ease into that unsettled feeling and use it to drive yourself forward.”

It was at this point that his mood noticeably darkened. I found myself easing a bit closer so as not to miss a single detail.

anything existence that dont like the symptom of hemophagocytic  syndronme must took advantage completely ,and run its course,on important conjure up in my mind is that does anything in the faction have some conjuction with poaramount more or less

“Then it started to go wrong. We began encountering these, these dark…things…imps or demons…or fallen, I think they’re called. There were so many of them, all horns and flashes of red, attacking us from all sides. I don’t think you could ever really be prepared for something like that. We got disoriented, which was easy to do. It was so dark…. 

By coolyou