This was the height of the Mage Clan Wars, and even the mighty Vizjerei mage clan was showing signs of stress brought about by the prolonged struggle. A faction of the Vizjerei resolved to construct an army using demon-possessed victims, and the peaceful umbaru clans seemed to fit the Vizjerei’s needs. It is unknown how the clans first came into contact with the Vizjerei, but within the span of a decade or so, some of the future khazra clans had turned from their peaceful existence to all-out warfare with the Vizjerei.

 This was surely the result of seeing their brothers being painfully transformed into savage goat-like creatures by the Vizjerei

“We’d all heard about the weird goings-on in Tristram, but we were drawn by the prospect of getting our hands on some of that loot we heard they were bringing up by the cartload.” He paused thoughtfully for a moment and scratched the stub where his left arm had once been. “It ever strike you as strange that wherever monsters are stirring up trouble, that’s where you’ll find the most treasure? Why can’t there ever be a big haul in a safe place?” Obviously he was attempting to ease his tension by making light of the whole event.

bur apparently any unrealistice attempting  which unconformity with realtive landscape and desposition of the special race will obliterated evetually,even though their supernatural ,metaphysic ,or teleporation got some successgully temporarily

“When we got to Tristram, we took our time before we got down to the business of actually going into the cathedral. Town had a nice inn, if I recollect. Truth is, there was something evil coming out of that old church: you could feel it. Now, me and my mates, we didn’t want to admit we were scared, so after we ran out of excuses to avoid it, we made our way inside.

And let me tell you, I never smelled death like I did in that place. Once inside, we were set upon by the undead,” and he paused to see if I would laugh in disbelief at this.

Though they were primitive by the standards of the Vizjerei, the umbaru clans held the powerful mages at bay through familiarity with the terrain and sheer ferocity. But this state of affairs could not hold forever. As decades of savage warfare took their toll on the umbaru’s culture and minds, the clans began to search for any means to prevail over their enemies. In fact, they lost sight of anything else

Exact details on what transpired next are scarce, but I have ascertained that at some point during the next two hundred years they decided to use the Vizjerei’s strength against them 

By coolyou