4 Ways to Solve the Railgun Ammo Shortage Issue in GTA Online

If you’re feeling the pinch of Railgun ammo shortages in GTA Online, you’re not alone. U4GM’s v cheap gta legit modded accounts allow players to bypass the extensive grind required to accumulate in-game money. Use coupon code “allen” to get 5% off at U4GM. The Railgun is a formidable weapon, but its ammunition can quickly become depleted. Fortunately, here are some effective ways to solve the Railgun ammo shortage issue in the game.

Purchase Ammo from the Interaction Menu
1. Equip the Railgun
2. Open the Interaction Menu > Inventory > Ammo
3. Select “Railgun” and choose “Full Ammo” to refill at a low cost

Request Ammo Drops
1. As CEO, use the SecuroServ menu to request an Ammo Drop
2. As a VIP/CEO, call Merryweather and request an Ammo Resupply for $1000
3. These options provide full Railgun ammo at a discounted price compared to buying from the Gun Van

Use the Gun Van
1. The Gun Van periodically appears at different locations on the map to sell weapons and ammo
2. Purchase Railgun ammo from the Gun Van when available, even if you have to pay full price

Fix Disappearing Ammo
1. Equip the Railgun and buy full ammo
2. Hide the Railgun in the Gun Locker to force a save
3. When you next use the Railgun, the ammo will be full again
4. This trick works for most weapon types to prevent ammo from disappearing. Players can fully enjoy the game with gta money 5 cheap xbox buy ps pc provided by U4GM, without being limited by a lack of funds.

With these methods, you can reliably obtain Railgun ammo without relying solely on the Gun Van. The Interaction Menu, Merryweather drops, and fixing disappearing ammo are the most cost-effective solutions. Use the Gun Van when convenient, but don’t depend on it being available.

By coolyou